- Chimera project Final Video
- Video from the Interreg MED Joint Secretariat
- ChIMERA Experiences_Local company activities of Malaga_Living Labs
- Interview_Simonetta Bonomi - Superintendent for archaeology, fine arts and landscapes of Friuli Venezia Giulia Autonomous Region
- Interview_Alessandro Ciriani - Major of the Municipality of Pordenone
- Interview_Barbara Franchin - Founder & Director - International Talent Support
- Interview_Maurizio Caradonna - Business Development Manager - Innovation Factory, Area Science Park Consortium
- Interview_Cinzia Lagioia - Director of Creative Apulia Cluster Association
- Interview_Isabel Pascual Villamor - Head of International Department - Promalaga (City of Màlaga)
- Presentazione Risultati progetto ChIMERA_Manca
- ChIMERA project Final brochure
- ChIMERA Experiences_Basilicata Region_Bernardo
- ChIMERA Experiences_Chamber of Commerce and Industry Nice Côte d'Azur_Giordano
- ChiMERA Experiences_Chamber of Commerce and industry of Terrassa_Pajaron
- ChiMERA Experiences_Local company of activities of Malaga_Villamor
- ChiMERA Experiences_Creative Apulia_La Gioia
- ChiMERA Experiences_Region of Sterea Ellada_Zacharis
- ChiMERA Experiences_Technology Park Lubiana_Pevc
- ChIMERA Experiences_University Nice Sophia Antipolis_Tirloni
- ChiMERA Experiences_University of Algarve_Cruz
- The Social & creative community supporting ChIMERA project_Puglia Region_Marino
- CCIs and cultural heritage_Symbola Foundation_Taormina
- CCIs and cultural heritage_V Committee of the Regional Parliament_Bernardis
- CCIs and urban development_Bracco Foundation_Cedrini
- CCIs and urban development_FVGAR_Viola
- CCIs and urban development_MIBAC_Bonomi
- CCIs and social cohesion_European Commission_Panella
- CCIs and social cohesion_esof_De Simoni
- CCIs and social cohesion_FVGAR_Segatti
- CCIs and social cohesion_Bocconi University_Guerzoni
- CCIs and access to finance_ALES Arte lavoro e servizi S.p.A._Botti
- CCIs and access to finance_European Commission_Stacher
- CCIs and access to finance_Friulia presentation_Villatora
- CCIs and access to finance_FVGAR_Zacchigna
- Culture and creativity in the EU - the role of EUSAIR_Marche Region_Romozzi
- Culture and creativity in the EU - the role of EUSAIR_Ministry of Tourism of Croatia_Klarić
- The future for culture next EU Programming Period 2021-2027 _European Commission_Stacher
- The future for culture next EU Programming Period 2021-2027_European Parliament_Dreosto